Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lessons from our Kids

My friend Sherah blogged about her daughter saying No! the other day and I thought her words were so great explaining what our kids teach us about our heavenly father.  It has got me seeing the things my kids do through that lense.  A few morning ago, Annabelle was enjoying her cereal bar in the playroom while watching one of her recorded shows on the computer.  She came running into the kitchen and said, "Mommy my arm is REALLY hurting,  It hurts so bad.  Can you please help me?"  First off, I was tickled pink that she said all of those words.  A few months ago this scenario would have resulted in about 15 mins of SCREAMING and me trying to figure out what on earth was wrong.  So after I did m happy dance and tried to figure out hos she had hurt herself.  I had to giggle a little bit because the source of her PAIN was crumbs from her cereal bar on her arm.  I brushed them off, gave her a kiss and she said, "That is so much better, thank you so much Mommy!" 

I remember in High School thinking that some people were so silly for getting all worked up about the smallest things and it used to irritate me to no end that these "trivial" things were mentioned as prayer request before each class began.  This has stuck around with me slightly into my adult life, but I understand that the WORST thing is some people's life may not be the worst thing in my life and you can't compare troubles with people-EVER!  It is all relative but the thing that shook me to the core a few mornings ago was:

God cares about the crumbs on our arm and wants to help us get over the pain!

He may not always brush them off for us but he will comfort us until they no longer bother us or until they are gone.

Amazing that God does not tell us to ask our friends if we should be upset about a certain situation or google remedies to our problems and came to him ONLY after we have exhausted all of our own resources, he tells us to come to Him, lay our burdens down and he will give us rest.  He WANTS to hear from us.  He WANTS to help us.  He WANTS us to be dependent on Him for all of the answers and not just the ones we cant find somewhere else.  Nothing is too little or too big for HIM!     

1 comment:

Sherah said...

I love that He wants from us, I hate that I have such a hard time giving to Him.

Good post my friend! :)