Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I got an email from babycenter.com today about Annabelle and the fact that kids her age are going to be going through the stage where they have the need for their own possesions.  They will want to label things as "mine" and be sure that they can have control over those things.  Well-Annabelle has been in this stage for a few weeks now and this has proven to be problamtic in the sibling relationship particularly.  If Maggie is playing with one of Annabelle's toys, Annabelle comes unglued.  Well, lets face it-all of the toys in the house were once Annabelle's.... However, everything is in the house is meant to be shared among everyone in the house except for a few special things each person can have.  Annabelle has a special blanket that she does not have to share but beyond that-everything else is fair game. 

BUT-the funny thing is that Annabelle has taken this to a new level by declaring me as HER mommy!  When I go to school to pick Annabelle up, if any of her friends talk to me, she tells them-That is MY mommy.  She does not want me to talk to them or pick up any of the babies in Maggie's room.  This is fine and I understand her wanting me to be hers, but recently she has started telling Maggie that.  She tries to pull Maggie off of me and says-MY MOMMY!  I have tried to explain things to her, but she still insists on her stance!

Well-my sweet girl...I will always be YOURS .  From the first time I held you, I was yours...

BUT you will have to share me as your mommy with at least one other little one!

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