Friday, April 24, 2009

Spending the night

The hospital staff makes no bones about the fact that Amy and Maggie are the patients, and I am not. With that said, I'm give a recliner that can lean flat and makes itself into a make shift bed.

I was actually dreading the whole stay last night. With Annabelle I spent one night in the hospital, and being woken up every 3 hours made me grumpy when it was actually time to get up. Last night, however, it was a much more pleasent experience. I remember waking up once throughout the night. One of the nurses thought it would be fun to turn on every single light in the room before checking on my wife. Thank goodness she only came once last night. The other nurses that took care of Amy and Maggie were a lot more discrete.

All in all I woke up rested and without aches. So I can't complain this time around.

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