Monday, December 15, 2008

Jesus' Sweet Mercies

Yesterday did not turn out the way I thought it would when I woke up. Italo and I had a VERY quiet weekend, which is very rare for us. So we were home to watch things more than normal and on Saturday we noticed that our older cat, Sphinxy, was getting sick and actually letting Annabelle touch him. That NEVERS happens, so I knew something was up, but thought we could watch him until Monday when I could take him to the vet. By Sunday afternoon, we knew we could not wait any longer so during Annabelle's nap, I took him to the Emergency Clinic.

As is always the case at Emergency Clinics-Sphinxy and I had to wait a LONG time. So-there we were in the room for about 2 hours waiting to see the doctor. I knew the outcome would not be good, so I was sad and holding my big cat.

Well, low and beyond--I started feeling my sweet little baby move in my tummy! This was the first time during this pregnancy that I could for sure say that I felt him move! It was like he was trying to keep me company while I was alone with this difficult situation.

We ended up having to say goodbye to Sphinxy yesterday, but before we did, Italo and Annabelle joined me at the clinic to say goodbye. Annabelle was playing around and sitting in my lap while Italo and I talked about our options and I reminisced about all the good times with our little buddy-Sphinxy. She was completely unaware of why we were sad, or really that we were sad at all. She just kept insisting that the bottle of lotion in my purse was milk and was trying to get me to open it up for her to drink.

But in the midst of that difficult situation, Jesus was reminding me of all of the blessings in my life-they were all around me-in my tummy, on the floor laughing and in the chair next to me crying just as hard as me over a lost life. My sweet, sweet family-all four of us were together and everyone was loving on me in their own way! Jesus' blessings are just priceless!

1 comment:

Sherah said...

wow, what a bitter sweet moment you had. I'm sorry you lost your cat, that is so hard. But, I am amazed at your ability to cherish such a sweet moment in such a hard time.