Friday, December 26, 2008


The Frigolis had a wonderful Christmas celebration with our family this year. Of course, it was filled with house hopping and running late to each place we were supposed to go, but it was a joy to be around so many people that love us in the season of love. Christmas Eve, Annabelle and I went over to my mom's house around noon and played with Jacob, Grace, Allen, Kimberly and my mom. We enjoyed playing games while Annabelle napped, and the older kids played together. We then went to my childhood church for candlelight service (where the rest of the family joined us) and enjoyed a traditional service filled with the beauty of thousands of glowing candles. It was a great way to start the evening so we could be reminded of the wonder of a newborn Baby born to save us from our sins! We then went back to my mom's house for Christmas dinner, followed by the reading of the Christmas story by my mom's dad-Granddaddy and then having a gift exchange.

Granddady reading the Christmas story

Grace, Jacob and Annabelle - Excited Christmas cousins!
Annabelle had quite a lot of fun with the gift she gave her relatives. It was a box of hersey kisses that said "It's a GIRL" and a note that announced that she was going to have a little sister named Margaret (Maggie) Rose in April.
Daddy and Annabelle reading a book she got from Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Allen

Italo and I were quite surprised an impressed when we gave Annabelle a present to pass out to her great grandmother, Granny Jean. She looked around the room for a minute and then walked right over to her and handed her the gift. Our daughter is just a genius! :)

After each gift Annabelle opened, no matter what it was, Annabelle would say either-"WOW" or "Uh Ye" at what she show inside. These are some PJs she got from GrannyJean and Granddaddy. Her excitement is very contagious!

More Presents to open-she was pretty tired of opening presents after the first gathering, we had, too bad, we had 2 more big things to do before the Christmas gathering were done!
What is this?!?!?!?!?!

Her first Christmas present to open on her own!

That evening, we spent the night with my mom-this is her most important wish of the Christmas season....We all slept in the same room, so Annabelle woke up at 5:30 (not unusual for her at all-but she usually puts herself back to sleep) and realized that she was not alone, she started saying "Mommy, Daddy" like she was trying to wake us up. I got up, found her paci and blanket and told her it was still bedtime. I am glad she was too young to know what was waiting downstairs so we could all go back to sleep! She woke up again at 8:00 and we proceeded to wake up my Mom and Chris by signing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" as we went into their room. We then had a Birthday party for Jesus where we ate Pie for Breakfast and sang Happy Birthday to our sweet savior. After the pie, Annabelle still wanted her oatmeal---YAY---she has some good habits! We then tried to get her interested in her stocking, but she was more interested in the Christmas tree now that the presents were gone and she could see it better. After that we walked down the street (in ourPJS) to my Grandparents house and continued our birthday party by giving Jesus words of Praise for his Birthday. There is so much to Praise Jesus for this Christmas season and it was very sweet to hear everyone's "presents" to Jesus.

When Annabelle finally saw what was in her stocking, she was glad to get a new Blanket!

Christmas Morning Wonder-She liked all the ornaments on the tree!

Annabelle in front of the Nativity scene at my Grandparents house

Eating Jesus' Birthday pie!

Happy Birthday Jesus!
After the Birthday Party, we got dressed and went to my Dad and Andrea's house to celebrate with them. Annabelle enjoyed walking around from person to person eating brunch from their plates. It was a great Christmas brunch for her! We then opened presents and played games while Annabelle took a nap. (we ran out of room on our camera, so we don't have any more pictures) After she woke up, we went to my Dad's parents house and had a wonderful feast and yet another gift exchange with the extended family. This celebration is always the one constant in the Christmas plans and all of the family makes a point to be there. It is awesome to see some folks we don't see as often and celebrate with them. My favorite new tradition is that we all pick a name to pray for in the family throughout the year. I was so excited to have 4 names to draw this year for my family and it was a moment of realization of how much my family has expanded over the last 3 years! I am so blessed and grateful to our Lord for all that he has done in my life!

1 comment:

Sherah said...

what a sweet girl you have! sounds like your Christmas was fun and really full! hope you are recovering :)