Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Do you remember your first friend? I would say that my very first friend was my cousin, Karen. We lived down the street from each other and used to love to spend the night with each other, place dress up, play with our dolls and put make-up on. Now, I am so grateful for all of the wonderful friendships I have in my life, and it makes me wonder what makes people become friends???
I have discovered that my daughter is quite an opinionated little girl and has not mastered the idea of sharing or playing WITH kids quite yet, but from time to time, she will watch other children play and enjoy their company. Until she decides to give some love pads and starts beating on her friends.... But, I pray daily that she will develop strong, deep relationships with friends in the years to come.
Here are some pictures of her playing with some of her friends:


the corsos said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures, Amy! Deep friendships ...that is my prayer for Landen as well! Love you!

Andi said...

Avery and I had fun playing with you girls today! I miss getting to see you every week, so today was a treat.

Love the pics!
Love you too-

Anonymous said...

You are easy to be friends with. I have so many fond memories of doing crazy things with you. Remember when we screamed at the 'present' you left in the back seat of your car when we were driving? Going through KFC and asking for a Big Mac and Koolaid? Summer camp at HPU(I think that's where we all shared rooms), Keri and Kristy...I miss y'all. I thank you for your friendship, and I'm thankful that I have found you here again. Love, ANgie