Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dear Diary...

I was never the type to write in a diary when I was little. I remember getting one when I was about 10 yrs old and taking it to my grandparents house in TN and I never knew what I might want to tell a diary. Everyday I tried to think of something to put in that diary and I brought it back home to Texas with nothing at all in it. Now with the world of blogs I find it really comforting to write out my feelings in a virtual diary but the problem is that everyone has the key :) I dont have much to hide in my life and I think of myself as an open book but it is hard to think about writing things that people would actually want to read. Then I realized-this is for me!

So-I doubt their is anyone actually reading this, but if so enjoy my ramblings as I entertain myself and attempt to capture my life for today!

1 comment:

Sherah said...

I read it! :) I care and want to hear about your life.... but I can do that over coffee too. ;) Seeing you every week for a couple of months and then nothing for several weeks is killer... I miss you!